We offer a diverse range of training sessions and workshops designed to support the staff, board members, and coaches of our member organizations.

These sessions can be conducted in-house or in collaboration with PYSC and its member organizations, ensuring tailored and impactful learning experiences.

Coach Education Experience

Our workshops are dynamic, innovative, and research-based, designed to equip coaches, volunteers, and program staff to create fun and positive experiences for youth both on and off the field. Delivered by coaching experts and seasoned practitioners, these sessions aim to shift mindsets and enhance connections with young athletes, helping them reach their full potential and develop life skills.

We are committed to providing coaches with the best information and knowledge on coaching young people. We proudly collaborate with the Center for Healing & Justice through Sport, Positive Coaching Alliance, and Mentor Independence Region, along with coaching experts and thought leaders from our Member Organizations.

Training and educational experiences are free and open to coaches, staff, and volunteers from member organizations, as well as community members.

Examples of workshops include:

SBYD 101

Overview: Explore ideas to build a dynamic connection between coach-mentors and young people.

Topics Covered:

  • Impact of trauma on the brain and body
  • Strategies to help people heal through relationships and physical activity

Takeaways: Participants will leave with an understanding of how to support healing and growth through mentorship and physical activity.

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Philly Girls in Sport

Overview: Address the unique challenges girls face in sports and how to support their continued participation.

Topics Covered:

  • Physical, mental, academic, and social benefits of sport participation for girls
  • Strategies proven to drive success in these areas

Takeaways: Ideas for building dynamic connections between coach-mentors and female athletes.

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How Sport Can Heal

Overview: Focus on strategies that help youth build resilience and heal through sports.

Topics Covered:

  • Creating environments that prioritize skill development, meaningful relationships, and team building

Takeaways: Strategies to make your space more engaging and inclusive for all participants.

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Implicit Bias

Overview: Insight on using sport and physical activity to counter preconceived biases.

Topics Covered:

  • Addressing systemic inequality through sport and physical activity
  • Curricula, guidelines, and training by experts to combat inequality

Takeaways: Understanding how the brain creates bias and strategies to counter it.

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Nonprofit and Organizational Management Workshops

At PYSC, one of our core pillars is our commitment to capacity-building services that support the sustainability and health of our Member Organizations. We bring together thought leaders and experts in organizational leadership and management to deliver workshops focused on best practices to enhance the effectiveness of organizations of all sizes and financial capacities.

Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Fundraising
  • Financial Best Practices
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Communication Strategies
  • Data Collection
  • Board Development

Safety Trainings

At PYSC, we prioritize the safety and well-being of young athletes. Recognizing that approximately 60% of youth sport coaches lack training in first aid and CPR, we offer comprehensive safety training sessions. These trainings ensure that coaches are equipped with essential life-saving skills, fostering a safer sports environment for all participants.

  • CPR/AED/First Aid
  • Mandated Reporter Training

Data from Aspen Institute’s State of Play 2023

Through these workshops, we aim to help our member organizations learn about and adopt best practices that drive growth, sustainability, and impact.

If you are interested in learning more about our workshops and trainings, please reach out to Emily DeSabato at edesabato@pysc.org.

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

Nonprofit Course

DIY Strategic Planning

October 16, 2024

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