In 2017, PYSC began a partnership with Dr. Gareth Jones at Temple University’s Sports Industry Research Center to collect data and better understand the needs of our member organizations, supporting their organizational and programmatic growth.

Since then, every two years, PYSC conducts a survey of our member organizations to showcase the collective impact of youth sports throughout the city. This survey identifies where services are being delivered and informs PYSC’s advocacy efforts. It also provides a snapshot of city providers over time, highlighting trends and developments in youth sports.

Biennial Survey Summaries

Social and Emotional Learning Evaluation

At PYSC, we offer Hello Insight to measure the social and emotional learning (SEL) capacities nurtured through sports and out-of-school activities. SEL equips young people with the skills to manage emotions, achieve goals, show empathy, build relationships, and make responsible decisions. This powerful tool allows us to effectively assess and enhance the impact of our programs on youth.

Our member organizations employ the evaluation survey tool to measure the growth of SEL capacities in participating youth and evaluate the effectiveness of their program practices. Hello Insight provides specific recommendations and training in areas needing improvement, ensuring continuous enhancement of the organizations’ impact.

Additionally, our member organizations use Hello Insight to capture qualitative data about SEL, showcasing who they are serving and the direct impact their programs have on kids.